Atollic truestudio hex file
Atollic truestudio hex file

atollic truestudio hex file

Please see the 3rd screenshot from GUI utility below which shows FLASH memory map, sector numbers and addresses. The option "-sec x y1 y2." allows you to enumerate sectors you want to erase, x = amount of sectors to erase, y1, y2, . = sectors numbers. Not entire memory is erased (that would be "-e -all" option as in global erase example), it is sufficient to erase only the sectors your binary code spans across (in our case the first, or "0-th" sector as they are numbered from zero). These operations can be combined, for example the next command will first erase memory and then flash the binary. Objcopy.exe -O binary application.elf application.bin Re-Flash the Binary

atollic truestudio hex file

In order to convert ELF file to BIN use the objcopy.exe utility, which should be present in your toolchain directory - with TrueStudio it is usually in "ARMTools\arm-atollic-eabi\bin\". sound samples) you may want to change this address to point somewhere higher in the address space. This is typically 0x08000000 to get the file into the beginning of the code space, so it starts executing on reset, however if you are uploading other data (e.g. The "-a" parameter is base address (in hex) where to flash the "application.bin" (an arbitrary filename your code was compiled into). i STM32F2_1024K -e -all Binary File Upload STMFlashLoader.exe -c -pn 43 -br 115200 -db 8 -pr EVEN -sb 1 -ec OFF -to 10000 -co OFF You can find this out for example in Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT), in my case the port is COM43:

atollic truestudio hex file

For example "-pn" is the number under which the usb-to-serial virtual COM port appears in your computer. There are parameters that you need to adjust to match your environment. Command-line is good for integrating into your IDE / toolchain, for example Eclipse. The first one is a commad-line utility, second has a GUI interface. You can get the official flashing utility from ST website here.Īfter installing, you can find two interesting executable files (depending on where you installed it, typically in the "STMicroelectronics\Software\Flash Loader Demo" subdirectory): STMFlashLoader.exe and STMFlashLoader Demo.exe.

Atollic truestudio hex file